About the Sponsor
and Comment Page
Each Ear, LLC
Each Ear, LLC is focused on improving hearing aid manageability and effectiveness. Gruv Button Technology™, for example, employs ergonomic design to enable better access to and control over the hearing aid speakers.
Message from the President
It gives us great pleasure to sponsor Basic Hearing Aid Training for Caregivers™. We know this training is needed and appreciated. Instructors, Dr. Tony Calderon and Ted Venema, are industry-leading educators and trainers.
Caregivers are tasked with inserting hearing aid speakers into other people’s ears. This can be challenging to say the least; we know that. I have long maintained that manufacturers, when designing products, should consult the people deploying their products - and working with the actual users of their product.
Let’s send this message to the hearing aid manufacturers! Please click here to leave a comment about how, as a caregiver, Gruv Button Technology™ would help you insert RIC speakers into other peoples' ear canals.
Thank you for taking this training and for commenting. Your petition signatures and comments are helping caregivers insert hearing aid speakers in other people's ears! And they are helping people worldwide insert their speakers in their ears! Thank you!
Jeffrey Szmanda
Each Ear, LLC
Each Ear, LLC wishes to thank renowned caregiver expert, Amy Goyer, for providing consulting services. Amy Goyer is the author of Juggling Life, Work, and Caregiving.